
Enrollment for 25-26 School Year is now open


Enrollment for 25-26 School Year is now open |

To make OCSD's Registration and Verification process smooth and convenient, please have the following information available:

  • Proof of address/residency in the district (2 qualifying documents - e.g., current utility bill, rental or lease agreement, mortgage statement, annual tax statement)

  • Proof of student's age/date of birth (e.g., birth certificate, baptismal certificate, birth registration form, passport, or parent affidavit)

  • Emergency contact phone numbers

  • Doctor and dentist office contact information

  • Immunization records Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form

  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable

  • 504 Accommodation Plan, if applicable

  • Previous school contact information including addresses and phone numbers

  • High school transcript, if applicable

You will have the opportunity to upload scanned documents, which will expedite the registration/verification process. The entire enrollment process may take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

New students starting Kindergarten

  *Oregon state law requires students to be age five on or before September 1st to enter Kindergarten*.  

For Kindergarten: Will your child be 5 years old before or on September 1st. 2025?  Then they will enter Kindergarten.

For First Grade:  Will your child be 6 years old before or on September 1st. 2025?  Then they will enter first grade.

If your child is an incoming Kinder or 1st grader and your family is new to OCSD, please create a ParentVue account. You may do that here.

To enroll a new student at ¡Todos Unidos! please contact the school directly:
 ¡Todos Unidos! (503) 785-8035

If your incoming Kinder or 1st grader has an older sibling in the district, and you already have a ParentVue account please login to your existing account to begin the registration process. If you have forgotten your password for ParentVue, click the 'forgot password' link and enter the email associated with your account.

If you have a current or previously enrolled student in the district but have never created your ParentVue login, please contact your school office for your activation key.

Please note, only one parent or guardian needs to complete the registration and/or annual verification process. Although, we encourage all parents to create a ParentVue account.

The following forms are necessary for entrance into kindergarten: 

  • Completed and signed Certificate of Immunization or parent vaccine education certificate 

  • Completed and signed Proof of Residence with documentation *two pieces of documentation

  • Copy of your child’s birth certificate 

  • Completion of Oregon City School District Online Registration 

  • Dental screening certificate

Families must submit the above paperwork in order for your child to start on their first day of school. 

These forms can be received either online via ParentVue, or via email to your school’s office staff.

New Student Enrollment

To enroll a new student at ¡Todos Unidos! please contact the school directly:
 ¡Todos Unidos! (503) 785-8035

If you have another child currently attending a school in the Oregon City School District, please use your existing ParentVue username and password to login and register kindergartner or other new student for the 2024-25 school year.

To begin the process you will need: 

It will be helpful to gather the following information before beginning enrollment.

  • A computer or laptop - This process is best completed on a computer/laptop, instead of by phone or the ParentVue app.

  • An active email address - You can get a free one through Gmail, MS Outlook, or several others

  • A OCSD ParentVue account - If you haven’t already created a ParentVUE account, please click here

  • Immunization Records - CIS form / How to get your immunization records / Immunization Requirement

  • Proof of address/residency in the district (2 qualifying documents - e.g., current utility bill, rental or lease agreement, mortgage statement, annual tax statement)

  • Proof of student's age/date of birth (e.g., birth certificate, baptismal certificate, birth registration form, passport, or parent affidavit)

  • Emergency contact phone numbers

  • Doctor and dentist office contact information

  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable

  • 504 Accommodation Plan, if applicable

  • Previous school contact information including addresses and phone numbers

  • Please click on this link or on the button below to begin enrolling a new student(s) for the school year. (this is for families that are NEW to the district and enrolling a student(s) for the first time).

After the online application has been submitted, the student’s school will contact you with next steps.

Helpful ParentVue Tips

  • Here is an instructional video to help access Report Cards via ParentVue: English | Spanish

  • Here is an instructional video to help set up your Activation Key via ParentVue: English | Spanish